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Ergänzender Beitrag zum Artikel: „Phragmipedium Lemoinierianum“, gelant für das OZ-Heft 5:
Eine über viele Jahre verschollene Hybride wieder in Kultur – Phragmipedium Lemoinierianum
Die offizielle Beschreibung erfolgte 1888 im ’Gardeners‘ Chronicle’ auf Seite 712 durch H. G. Reichenbach f.:
„Cypripedium x Lemoinierianum, n. hyb. Gaill.
At the recent exhibition at Ghent there was a class for „Orchidée nouvelle de Semis“. The 1st prize was given to its progenitor, Mons. Raymond Lemoinier, of Lille. The plant belongs to that rich group that followed Mr. Seden’s Cypripedium. If you look over the types of allthat crowd, you find that there is not one quite like this one. Cypripedium leucorrhodum, which might be regarded as near it, has the petals curved, and Cypripedium Lemoinierianum has them deflexed and ascendding at the top (half sigmoid).
The plant, duly named in honour of its originator is most probably the boldest of the whole company. The long leaves are between 2 to 3 inches in bredth, with a very sharp keel on the mid-line underneath. The very strong peduncles are as thick as an eagle’s quill (I think 3 feet high), usually branched, brownish-purple, hairy. The bracts are uncommonly large, spathaceous, light green, equal to or surpassing the reddish indian-purple ovary; sepals whitish-yellow, the combined one very ventricose, all with many purple nerves ; lateral edge of the upper one inflexed, purple. All the colours are deeper outside. The petals are descending, but ascending at the apex, with a broad base, then lanceo-acuminate, white on the disc inside with a purple margin and top. The lip is exceedingly conspicuous, retuso-ventricose, very broad, inflexed, side-lobes yellowish-white with purple spots inside, with numerous similar spots on white ground inside. The sac and inferior side are of fine dark purple. Staminode transverse, whitish-yellow, with a hairy purple margin.
I admired the plant at Ghent, and as is customary with exhibition plants, I felt pretty sure that I should not receive any specimen of it, and hence should be unable to describe it. But now, to my great surprise, I have received glorious materials. They do not, however, come from Mr. Raymond Lemoinier, but from Mr. F. Sander – not from Lille, but from St. Albans. What an interesting topic is the wandering of Orchids! H.G. Rchb. f.“
Eine genaue Schilderung dieser Hybride erfolgte in ‚Icones Dictionaire des Orchidees‘ 760, 1906:
„Selenipedium Torconiense Hort.
Cet hybride présenté au Meeting horticole de Bruxelles du 21 octobre 1906 provient du croisement Selenipedium pearcei et Sel. Lemoinierianum, il a été très apprécié par le jury et a obtenu un certificat de mérite à l’unanimité.
Comme le montre notre gravure qui a été faite d’après la plante exposé par M. Lemoinier, de Lille, la plante rapelle surtout le S. Lemoinierianum. Par son coloris sobre, ses barbes allongées, bien tordues les fleurs de ce Selenipedium méritent d’attirer l’attention des amateurs.
Il n’existe qu’un nombre relativement peu considérable de pieds de cette espèce à laquelle son producteur attache beaucoup de prix.
Nous le remercions d’autant plus vivement de nous avoir permis de la faire figurer pour nos lecteurs.“
Weitere Phragmipedium-Literatur
Boess, G. 2016. Phragmipedium Kulturerfahrungen. OrchideenZauber 9(4), #49, 18–25.
Braem, G. J. 2016. The Genus Phragmipedium.
Cash, C. 1991. The Slipper Orchids. Portland, Oregon.
Cribb, P., & Purver, C. 2017. Slipper orchids of the Tropical Americas. Natural History Publications (Borneo) and The Orchid Digest Corporation, Malaysia & USA, 1–281.
Desbois, F. 1898. Cypripedium.
Pucci, A. 1890. Monografia del Genere Cypripedium. Bulletino della R. SOCIETA TOSCANA di ORTICULTURA XV.
Rolfe, R. A., & Hurst, C. C. 1909. The Orchid Stud-Book.
Sander, F. 1901. Sander’s Ochid Guide.
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